4 Quotes & Sayings By Tc Peterson

T.C. Peterson is best known for his high fantasy novels, set in a world where angels and demons battle for the souls of men. His "Canticle" series features the angel-turned-demon-hunter Karrin Murphy and her friends in a battle against a rogue archangel. His "Gideon" series features the angel-turned-demon-hunter Gideon Crew and his friends in a battle against an army of demons Read more

His nonfiction book, The Angel's Secret, is a modern retelling of the biblical story of the angels' rebellion in which he uses this story to explore what it means to be human.

Dreams are for doers.
Dreams are for doers. T.C. Peterson
Nobody intentionally sets out to fail or dwell in mediocrity.
Nobody intentionally sets out to fail or dwell in mediocrity. T.C. Peterson
Even if you become the most perfect version of yourself,...
Even if you become the most perfect version of yourself, someone will find something negative to say. T.C. Peterson